Michael J Brown Law Office LLC Privacy Policy

(Updated June 26, 2024)

(“MJBLO,” “we,” “us,” “our”) respects your privacy and is committed to protecting your personally identifiable information. We have adopted this Privacy Policy to explain what information may be collected on this web site (“Site”) and how such information may be used and/or shared with others. This Privacy Policy is subject to the Website Terms of Use posted on this Site (“Website Terms of Use”). Please return to this Site and review this Privacy Policy from time to time, as it may be amended without notice. Any changes to this Privacy Policy will be effective immediately upon the posting of the revised Privacy Policy on this Site. If you do not agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not use the Site. Each time you use the Site, you should check the date of this Privacy Policy (which appears above) and review any changes that have been made since your last visit to the Site.


This Site does not collect any information from individuals.

We Collect Personal Information that is provided directly from individuals seeking to retain our firm, by telephone, email, or in person. “Personal Information” includes your name, address, telephone number, credit or debit card information, e-mail address, date of birth, IP address and in rare instances, tax identification numbers.

As a general policy, no personally identifiable information is automatically collected from your visit to this Site. However, in certain circumstances, you may be asked to provide us with some specific information about yourself. Such information may include contact information (such as your name and e-mail address), and other information as we may require. The personally identifiable information you submit will be used to carry out your requests and respond to your inquiries. It may also be used by us or shared with co-counsel or service providers and their respective parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, joint venturers, sponsors and partners, to provide you with additional products and/or services. You may always direct us (by contacting us at one of the addresses listed below) not to share your personally identifiable information with these parties or not to use your personal information to provide you with additional products and services. Except as provided herein, your personally identifiable information will not be provided to any third parties.

From time to time, we may collect non-personally identifiable information from you through the standard operation of our servers. Such information can include the type of browsers being used, the operating system you are using, and the number of users that visit a specific page on the Site and the character and duration of such visits. This information may be used to help analyze Site traffic and improve our services. We may also aggregate such information to create statistical data and sell or otherwise share it with potential advertisers, partners, affiliates and other third parties. At no point, however, will the aggregated information personally identify you.

Aggregate Information: We may provide aggregate information to some of our business partners. This information is used in a collective manner and does not identify you individually in any way. We collect and share aggregate information in order to know more about the general profile of our customers so that we can improve your experience with our company.

We reserve the right to disclose any personally identifiable or non-personally identifiable information if we are required to do so by law or if we reasonably believe that such action is necessary in order to (a) fulfill a government request; (b) conform with the requirements of the law or to comply with legal process served on us; (c) to protect or defend the legal rights or property of MJBLO, this Site, or its users; or (d) in an emergency to protect the health and safety of this Site’s users or the general public.


“Cookies” are small text files from a Web site that are stored on your hard drive. These small text files make using a Web site more convenient by saving your passwords and preferences for you. Cookies themselves do not contain any personally identifiable information. We may analyze the information derived from these cookies and match such information with data provided by you or another party. We may provide our analysis and certain non-personally identifiable information to potential partners, advertisers (who may use this information to provide advertisements tailored to your interests) or other third parties, but we will not disclose any personally identifiable information, except as provided in this Privacy Policy. You can have the option of deciding whether or not to accept a cookie by resetting your browser to notify you whenever a cookie is being sent to your hard drive. You may also delete a cookie manually from your hard drive. Please note, however, that some parts of this Site will not function properly or will be considerably slower if you refuse to accept a cookie or choose to disable your cookies settings.

Cookies: Through the use of cookies, we may also collect and analyze the IP address used to connect your computer to the Internet; computer and connection information such as your browser type and version; operating system and platform; purchase history; confirmation when you open e-mail that we send you; and the URLs which lead you to and around the Site including the date and time. You can generally set your browser to reject cookies or to notify you when you are sent a cookie. Software is also available from third parties which will allow you to visit the Site without providing this information. You are welcome to use the Site if you use such software but we will not be able to offer you our personalized services and we will be unable to accept any online orders from you.


Keeping your personally identifiable information secure is one of our most important responsibilities. We value your trust and handle personally identifiable information with care. We will not rent, sell or otherwise disclose your Personal Information to unrelated third parties without your consent, except as stated in this Privacy Policy. We safeguard information according to established security standards and procedures, and we continually assess new technology for protecting information. Our employees are trained to understand and comply with these standards and procedures. Please be advised, however, that while we strive to protect your personally identifiable information and privacy, we cannot guarantee or warrant the security of any information you disclose or transmit to us online and cannot be responsible for the theft, destruction, or inadvertent disclosure of your personally identifiable information.


Keeping personally identifiable information accurate and up-to-date is very important. If you ever find that information about you is incomplete, inaccurate or not current, we want to correct it. Please contact us through one of the mechanisms listed below.


Our Site does not provide services to, nor does it knowingly market or collect information from, children under 13. If you are under 13, please do not provide any personal information to us. If we become aware that we have inadvertently collected any personal information for a child under 13 years of age, that info will be deleted immediately from our records upon discovery.


As we continue to develop our business, we may sell or purchase assets. If another entity acquires MJBLO or all or substantially all of our assets, personally identifiable information, non-personally identifiable information, and any other information that we have collected about the users of the Site will be transferred to such entity as one of the transferred assets. Also, if any bankruptcy or reorganization proceeding is brought by or against MJBLO, all such information may be considered an asset of MJBLO and as such may be sold or transferred to third parties.


This Site may contain links to other web sites that are not controlled or maintained by MJBLO; however, we are not responsible for the privacy practices employed by these other web sites. We encourage you to note when you leave this Site and to read the privacy statements of such other web site before submitting any personally identifiable information. This Privacy Policy applies solely to information collected through this Site.


If you have questions or comments about our privacy practices, or if you wish to review or amend any personally identifiable information you have provided, you can contact us at the following e-mail address: michael@mjbrownlaw.com Your e-mail address will be added to the personally identifiable information we maintain about you.

If you would like to contact us via mail, please write us at: Michael J Brown Law Office LLC, Plaza 1, 2nd Floor, Suite 2025, 354 Eisenhower Parkway, Livingston, NJ 07039.


Corrections/Information Removal/Opt-Out

If your name, e-mail or postal address, telephone number or other Personal Information changes, you may update, correct or omit the relevant information by contacting us at the email address you regularly use or to michael@mjbrownlaw.com. In addition, if you no longer wish to receive communications from us you may opt-out by emailing us at michael@mjbrownlaw.com.com, sending a letter to us at the address above or by clicking on the unsubscribe link within any marketing e-mail you receive from us.